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Practical employment law information to support your business, from Clover HR


Establishing a successful recruitment process and clear written employment contracts for new employees can have a major impact on your business.

Every business needs to be aware of its obligations under minimum wage and equal pay laws, as well as recent pensions auto-enrolment changes.

You must comply with legal restrictions on employees' working hours and time off, or risk claims, enforcement action and even prosecution.

The right employment policies are an essential part of effective staff management. Make sure any policy is clear and well communicated to employees.

While sick employees need to be treated fairly, you need to ensure that 'sickness' is not being used as cover for unauthorised absence.

Most pregnant employees are entitled to maternity leave and maternity pay, while new fathers are entitled to paternity leave and paternity pay.

As well as undermining morale, illegal discrimination can lead to workplace grievances. Employee discrimination is covered by the Equality Act 2010.

Home, remote and lone workers are becoming increasingly commonplace. Key issues include communication and how to manage and motivate people remotely.

The right approach to consulting with and providing information to your employees can improve employee motivation and performance.

Disciplinary and grievance issues can be a major burden to employers. Putting in place and following the right procedures is essential.

Following the right dismissal and redundancy procedures helps protect your business and minimise the risk of a legal dispute at tribunal.

Employment tribunal claims are a worrying prospect for any employer. A tribunal case is a no-win situation – even if the claim is unjustified.

Also in the news this week - 17 July 2015

17 July 2015

Brits dream of turning their passions into pounds

Most Brits would happily ditch their day job to do something they love - as long as money was no object. New research by Amway UK has found that 80% of British workers want to run a business based on their hobby or passion; 49% have little or no interest in their current career; and for 56%, the work-related passion has gone by the age of 45. Entrepreneurs who have followed their dream are top role models, including Richard Branson, JK Rowling, Lord Sugar, Jamie Oliver and David Beckham.

Small firms to put more into staff pensions

As over one million small and micro firms get ready for auto-enrolment, the number of SME employers that plan to contribute more than the legislative minimum has nearly doubled in the past year, according to a survey by NOW: Pensions. Of the 400 SMEs polled, 30% say they plan to, or will consider, contributing more than the legislative minimum when they enrol their employees into a workplace pension. This compares to 17% of SMEs surveyed last year. Over half (57%) of those surveyed who intend to pay more say it will help with the recruitment and retention of employees.

Who pays the bills when you work from home?

Most home workers in small firms are having to meet the costs of equipping and maintaining their workspace themselves according to research by Regus. Its survey of over 2,000 small firms found that only 42% of people working from home received contributions from their firm towards kitting out their home office. According to the Regus, the average cost of running a home office in the UK is almost £2,000 a year.

In praise of the PA

New research suggests that your personal assistant (PA) could be your most valuable employee. A new psychological study commissioned by Avery UK with Executive Secretary Magazine has found that, compared to other workers, PAs are better at handling stress even though they are more likely to work overtime. Researchers also found that PAs are likely to be more agreeable, more emotionally stable, more conscientious and more self-disciplined than other staff. They also have higher levels of emotional intelligence. Fiona Mills, marketing director at Avery UK, said: "There's a lot that many of us could learn from PAs. If there were more staff in the office with these traits, it could mean a more productive, efficient and enjoyable workplace."

Free parking boosts high street sales

High street shopkeepers in Cardigan, West Wales have seen their sales rise by a staggering 50% after vandals damaged all the main pay-and-display parking machines in the town. It's proof, if proof were needed, that parking really is a major problem for small retailers across the UK. The town's traders have reportedly queued up to tell local councillors how the unexpected advent of free parking in the town has given them such a significant boost in sales.

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