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Practical employment law information to support your business, from Clover HR


Establishing a successful recruitment process and clear written employment contracts for new employees can have a major impact on your business.

Every business needs to be aware of its obligations under minimum wage and equal pay laws, as well as recent pensions auto-enrolment changes.

You must comply with legal restrictions on employees' working hours and time off, or risk claims, enforcement action and even prosecution.

The right employment policies are an essential part of effective staff management. Make sure any policy is clear and well communicated to employees.

While sick employees need to be treated fairly, you need to ensure that 'sickness' is not being used as cover for unauthorised absence.

Most pregnant employees are entitled to maternity leave and maternity pay, while new fathers are entitled to paternity leave and paternity pay.

As well as undermining morale, illegal discrimination can lead to workplace grievances. Employee discrimination is covered by the Equality Act 2010.

Home, remote and lone workers are becoming increasingly commonplace. Key issues include communication and how to manage and motivate people remotely.

The right approach to consulting with and providing information to your employees can improve employee motivation and performance.

Disciplinary and grievance issues can be a major burden to employers. Putting in place and following the right procedures is essential.

Following the right dismissal and redundancy procedures helps protect your business and minimise the risk of a legal dispute at tribunal.

Employment tribunal claims are a worrying prospect for any employer. A tribunal case is a no-win situation – even if the claim is unjustified.

Also in the news this week - 24 July 2015

24 July 2015

FSB expects SMEs to carry on recruiting despite unemployment increase

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) expects small firms to continue to take on staff in the coming months, despite UK unemployment rising by 15,000 to 1.85m between March and May. John Allan, FSB national chairman, said: "Although unemployment is marginally up, the previously positive trend in employment growth will return in the second half of the year. Our latest small business index recorded the strongest small business hiring intentions since the index started in 2010. With a net balance of 14% of our members planning to take on more employees in the next three months, we expect the march toward full employment to resume over the summer and into the autumn."

London SMEs expect much higher growth than small firms in the North

According to a study by business e-lender Everline and the Centre for Economic and Business Research, London businesses are the country's most optimistic about growth, expecting their revenues to increase over the next ten years by an average of 44% or £162,000 to £528,000 in 2025. This contrasts with small-business leaders in the north of England; these expect growth of just 33%, or £65,000 to £263,000, in the same period, with a fifth of respondents anticipating no increase at all.

Number of start-ups has slowed down in past five years

A study by business information site Company Check has concluded that the year-on-year growth in new business incorporations slowed from 13.4% in 2010-11 to 4.9% in 2013-14. Start-up numbers grew consistently during the last parliament, with 2.5m incorporations registered between 2010 and 2014. The start-up survival rate remains encouraging, helping to keep the UK SME population high, but while 56,000 more businesses were incorporated in 2011 than in 2010, just 27,571 more were incorporated in 2014 when compared to 2013.

Bad IT habits "rife" in offices throughout the country

A poll of 500 UK SME employees suggests that many are guilty of committing a host of IT 'no-nos', including regularly eating at computers and spilling food and drink into their keyboards, while a fifth regularly use their personal instead of their company email address. Conducted by office technology firm Altodigital, the poll also found that 20% of respondents committed the "ultimate storage faux pas" of saving documents to their desktop instead of a secure server. Some bad habits are damaging small-business cash flow; for example, 16% of respondents admitted to regularly printing in colour when black and white would have met their needs.

CIPD launches small business HR support pilots

A major new pilot initiative that seeks to "help unlock small business productivity and growth through quality HR and skills development support to businesses" has been launched. The People Skills programme has been developed by the the HR professional body CIPD, with support from the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, with the London Borough of Hackney, Stoke-on-Trent and Glasgow the three UK pilot locations. The programme will be delivered with local partners and will be available at no cost to small businesses and equip them with a range of bespoke HR support including one-to-one guidance from experienced HR professionals.

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